Civil Service Live 2024 Civil Service Live



ISO20121: A Gold Standard

Civil Service Live will align with the ISO20121 standard. This internationally recognised standard demonstrates our unwavering commitment to sustainability, from the planning stages right through to the final applause.

The Path to Net Zero

Civil Service Live aims to serve as an exemplar of what a large-scale, environmentally-conscious event should be. Our agenda extends beyond reducing our carbon footprint; we are committed to setting new sustainability benchmarks that can be replicated across various sectors.

Comprehensive Carbon Tracking

To ensure that our commitment isn't merely lip service, we're utilising state-of-the-art technology, including the Isla trace tool, to measure the carbon emissions for every aspect of the event. This data-centric approach allows us to make informed decisions for immediate and future carbon reduction strategies.

Sustainable Partnerships for Lasting Change

We value the power of community in creating change. That's why we're speaking with local businesses and organisations to see how we might partner to minimise travel emissions and promote social equity. Whether that be employing local staff to using locally-sourced materials, every choice is made with a view to maximise social value and minimise environmental impact.

Towards a Digital Future

In an effort to reduce paper waste, we're harnessing the power of technology for most of our informational needs. Not only does this modern approach align with our commitment to sustainability, but it also ensures a more streamlined, efficient event experience for our attendees.

Responsible Eating, Responsible Living

With the food industry being a significant contributor to carbon emissions, we're working diligently to think about responsible catering choices at Civil Service Live. We're committed to minimising food waste and offering menu options with a reduced carbon footprint.

Transparent Reporting for Accountability

Our commitment to transparency includes detailed post-event reporting, which will encompass all sustainability metrics and measures implemented. We invite you to review this report as a testament to our dedication to creating a better future.


Reducing waste at Civil Service Live

We are working to reduce waste across Civil Service Live 2024. One way we are making a difference is by opting out of using carpet in our exhibition halls.

Birmingham: In Birmingham, we have eliminated approximately 3.22 tonnes of carpet being laid which would otherwise be sent to landfill. This is equivalent to the weight of 41 civil servants*.

London: In London, we have eliminated approximately 2.94 tonnes of carpet being laid which would otherwise be sent to landfill. This is equivalent to the weight of 37 civil servants*.

*Average weight - NHS Health Survey 2021

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